How to make a long distance relationship work? Experts Tips

February 25, 2022

How to handle a distance relationship

Wondering what a long-distance relationship is really like before you get into it? Do you want to know how to fight distance? Do you want to solidify your long-distance relationship?

If you're asking yourself all these questions, you've come to the right place! Trust us, we know exactly what to do in this complicated situation thanks to our expertise on relationship issues.

You may be worried about getting into a long distance relationship, but you need to know that it is possible to fight distance and have a very solid couple despite it. Don't miss out on a beautiful love story because of a small, temporarily difficult period in your life.

Fight distance as a couple

In this article, let's discover step by step:

What you need to know about a long-distance couple.

  • How to overcome the distance?
  • How to have a solid long distance couple?
After reading this article, you will not ask yourself any more questions. You won't be afraid to start a long-distance relationship, and you'll know at your fingertips how to manage it. Despite our screens, let's discover all this together.


Let's start slowly with the famous question of whether a long-distance relationship is possible, and then all the things you absolutely need to know before embarking on a long-distance couple.

Is a long distance relationship possible?

In general, this is THE question we ask ourselves most often about long distance relationships, and it's completely normal. We sometimes hear that long distance love is impossible, so when we are in this kind of situation, we wonder if it could lead to anything.

Well, yes, long distance relationships are quite possible. First, there are plenty of solutions to combat the distance and you should not forget that a long-distance relationship is usually temporary; if the relationship becomes serious, you will eventually live under the same roof.

Sometimes love can be stronger than anything and will help you overcome that distance. Not to mention that it would be silly to miss out on a wonderful story!

Long distance couple Hoodies

You should know that in a long distance couple, there are four essential points that will make this love possible; it is up to you to assimilate them so that your future long distance couple lasts in time.

1/ Commitment to a relationship

First of all, there is commitment. Mutual commitment is actually one of the key elements of any couple. Indeed, when you are in a relationship, you necessarily have obligations towards your other half: be honest, respect the other, do not be unfaithful...

Hand to Hand Couple

2/ Trust in your relationship

A long distance relationship can sometimes be a source of doubts and uncertainties; this is why a long distance couple cannot function without a very strong trust in each other.


3/ Sharing in the couple

Sharing is just as important as the other points. It allows you to strengthen your couple, to spend complicit moments together, or even moments of attention. Even in a long distance couple you can and must share daily themes as well as deeper themes such as your fears for example.


4/ Love projects

Finally, there is the future. Indeed, as in any couple it is important to project yourself and to have future projects. To do this, know what you have in common such as values and interests that you share.

We know that you know each of these points and it probably seems logical to you, well know that this rule does not change even with the distance.

What do you need to know before you start a long distance relationship?
Before you embark on a long-distance relationship, there are a few things you should know that are essential before you take the plunge.

Time, your worst enemy for your relationship
First of all, you need to know that you might spend a lot of time apart, of course. However, you need to realize this well before you jump into the relationship because if you already know that it won't be possible for you, you might as well not get your hopes up for the person you like.

Being away also means that your partner might go out or do activities with people other than you. So you'll have to accept that your partner is having fun or doing things with other people, even if you're not with him/her.

If you are by nature very jealous, this can be problematic because if you don't let your boyfriend/girlfriend have a break from his or her friends, for example, the relationship will quickly become unbearable for both of you.

We therefore advise you to FaceTime or otherwise, call your partner, send him/her messages, etc. but also do the same and spend time with your friends or even your family.
Couple Fighting against distance

Then, always in the same idea, you must know that you will not have all the time the physical aspect; that is to say, the hugs, the kisses... all these signs of affection that we all adore. Nevertheless, don't forget that when you get back together, you will be able to have all the affection that you missed while you were away.

It is very important to compensate for this physical absence with good communication as a couple. Indeed, we will never remind you enough but communication is the basis of any couple because it allows to emerge stronger and united.

Keep in mind that to succeed in this long-distance relationship you will have to open your heart and free your emotions. Share your fears, your experiences, your surprises, your outbursts, in short the things that are important to you to show your affection not by gestures, but by words.

The advice we are about to give you is especially for the beginning of your relationship; in general when you announce that you are in a relationship but at a distance, some people may not take your relationship seriously because they simply think it won't work.

So a word of advice, ignore them all. It's up to you and your new partner to believe in your relationship and no one else; prove them wrong by being a solid couple!

Optimize the good times together

You should also know that in a long distance couple, you have to plan a lot of things in advance. Whether it is about your expectations, your life goals but also your reunion plans. It's important to plan ahead so you know what you're going to do together, whether it's short term or long term, but just knowing when you'll see each other again when it's time to leave will lift your spirits.

Once your sweetheart leaves, why not imagine the next activities you will do? You should know that a long distance relationship is far from easy, it takes a lot of effort, energy and planning.

Keeping trust despite the distance

The last piece of advice we could give you about what you need to know before starting a long distance relationship is probably the most important; trust. Trust is important even for a "normal" couple but especially in a long distance couple.

You must not imagine a lot of scenarios or anything else, you must have a huge trust in your partner who is several miles away from you. Don't worry, this is acquired more and more over time and thanks to the good communication of your couple.

Couple Jewelry Distance


Now, let's discover how to live this difficult relationship in the best way possible by thinking positively at first. Then we will discover together, the false steps to avoid to preserve your love relationship.

The positive points of being in a long distance relationship.
We are now going to reveal you the ten positive points of being in a long distance couple. Yes, there are also positives in this type of relationship!

1/ You have time for yourself.

Although it would obviously be great to spend your Sunday morning doing nothing with your darling. But don't get depressed and enjoy the fact that you have time for yourself. You can do a lot of activities that you may not have tried before, whether it's learning to play an instrument, cooking some recipes, playing a particular sport...

There is no need to brood in your corner because you would rather be with your partner; believe us, after doing activities that you like, you will feel much better than before.

2/ You can have "off" days.

Sometimes there are days when you get up on the wrong side of the bed and feel like doing nothing. Without the slightest motivation, you just want to stay in your pajamas and do the whole season of Casa De Papel without being disturbed? In your long-distance relationship, your partner won't bother you during your netflix series and won't suspect anything on the phone or through text messages.


 3/ You and your partner are equally involved in the relationship.

Well yes, it may seem logical but a long distance relationship requires the involvement of both partners to work. It's simple, a "normal" couple can sometimes break up because of the distance because they think it won't work; however, it must be recognized that you and your partner are doing everything possible to make your relationship work as well as possible (the proof, you are reading this article).

4/ If you can fight the distance, you'll overcome everything else.

Many miles separate you but you still manage to be as fulfilled as a "normal" couple. You overcome the distance and manage to meet more and more often, so that there are no problems in your relationship because of it, right?

Know that if you manage to overcome this obstacle, you will manage to overcome all the others because you and your lover will be more united than ever.

Bike ride on his or her reunion

5/ Your couple is very romantic.

In general, a long-distance couple exudes romance! It's easier to reveal your feelings by message or call than to reveal everything face to face. Plus, a long distance relationship often involves getting creative with little surprises like sending flowers, letters, little gifts... something that isn't often done when you're not necessarily in a long distance relationship.

6/ Communication is one of the greatest strengths of your couple.

As we said before, communication is super important in a long distance couple; you tell each other about your days in the evening by a video call, you send each other lots of messages, you call each other regularly...

It can be difficult, but in the end it makes your relationship much stronger and more resilient because you have to work hard to explain your needs and desires in words and listen to your partner's. In the end, you'll soon know your partner by heart!

Couple holding hands

7/ The little things are worth a lot more.

Now, the little things are worth much more than you think. Indeed, let's take the example of giving flowers to your boyfriend or girlfriend; it's always been a tender attention that you appreciate, but the simple fact that it's done from a distance makes it all the more special.

When you're together, and you're walking hand in hand, it will mean so much more to you because you know how precious that time is when you get together. Finally, imagine that your partner has forgotten one of his/her t-shirts at your place, this famous t-shirt will quickly become one of the most precious things for you because it will automatically bring you back to him/her.

8/ Your reunion is always a great adventure.

You've been planning your reunion for weeks now and have plenty of things planned to do to show your partner. For example, today you are going to your boyfriend/girlfriend's house who lives in a city you don't know? Well, now you have a private tour guide that will show you all the best places in the city.

T-Shirts for Couples

9/ Your relationship is more exciting and stronger.

When it comes to the intensity of your relationship, we can tell you that for a long-distance couple, we quickly go to another level: there is always something to look forward to in a long-distance relationship, whether it is a message, a call, a visit, a surprise gift...

The more time you spend away from a person, the more joy you feel interacting with them, and it's when you find yourself again, that you feel a source of happiness, excitement and impatience.


10/ Somewhere, someone who loves you and is waiting for you.

If your long distance relationship is serious, there is no doubt that this person cares about you and wants you to be happy. Don't forget that this person has also taken the risk of living this long distance relationship to fully enjoy by your side, and one day live with you. So, don't forget it; feel loved as you deserve.

It's true that a long-distance relationship can seem complicated, but if one day you don't feel good about the distance that separates you and your loved one, remember all those positive points that make your relationship unique.

What to avoid in a long distance couple?

For the smooth functioning of your long-distance couple, there are a few things not to do to avoid unnecessary arguments. Here are some examples:

1/ Don't be that jealous person

In a long-distance couple, you must not let jealousy take over. Despite the fact that you want to know what he/she is doing, or who he/she is with, don't make a habit of spying on him/her through your common acquaintances or on social networks, like his/her Facebook for example.

Trust him or her and don't worry if he or she doesn't answer you instantly.

Reunion after a long absence

2/ Patience in love

Sometimes the wait is very long before you can see your loved one again. Unfortunately, you knew this would happen when you started your long distance relationship so take it easy and be patient. Don't forget that your reunion will be more beautiful and that it's worth the wait.

3/ Be realistic in love

We advise you not to imagine a lot of unrealistic things. Whether it is for your next reunion or about your partner, or the surprises he/she may send for example. Just don't expect anything special, it will be even more beautiful afterwards.

4/ Stay authentic in your relationship

If shortly after you are in a relationship, you both feel that it is not going to work out, then do not commit yourself further in this long distance relationship because it will make you both suffer from this lack of motivation and mutual commitment.

If you're going to be together, then you'll find each other eventually.

Cuddle after a long absence

5/ Don't stay locked into your relationship.

Although it is very important to communicate as much as possible in a long-distance relationship, don't stay glued to your phone all the time so you don't miss any messages from your other half.

Get out, do things you like, take care of yourself; we may tend to forget this, but having your side of independence in a relationship is also important.

6/ Don't take your relationship lightly.

Just because you're in a long distance relationship doesn't mean you can get away with anything, especially with people of the opposite sex. Remember that a long-distance relationship is a relationship like any other and that it remains a promise and a commitment.

Moreover, despite the absence of your darling, do not decide alone on something that will affect you both; your other half has as much right as you to participate in decisions as a couple despite the distance.



Finally, we're going to reveal all of our tips on how to make your relationship last as long as possible.

What are some of the things you can do as a long-distance couple?
Even though you're far apart, we'll prove to you that there are plenty of activities to do together:

distance activity couple

Long distance couple, the magic of online games!
To begin with, we are going to address the most geeky among you! You can play online games! Even if you're not a video game pro, you'll find at least one that you both like. This will allow you to have fun together and strengthen your bond as a couple.

  • Watching series in love

Next, we suggest you watch a movie or a series together. This is an activity that we have all done as a couple, there is nothing easier. Many romantic movies like Love at first sight in Notting Hill!

Well, you can also do it despite the miles that separate you; for this you can try to synchronize your screens or just by launching a movie or a series at the same time and then call you on video to add your little grain of salt to what you are watching.


  • Video to facilitate the long distance relationship

Also, you can do a lot of activities together while calling each other on video. You can for example do karaoke, sports or cooking; you will spend a great evening with your other half and believe us, the laughter will be there!

  • Plan your romantic reunion

Another idea is simply to plan your future reunion. We've already talked about it a few times in this article, but it can be a good way to give you hope and the courage to wait a little longer. Plan what you are going to do so that the few days you will spend together will be unforgettable.

  • Share a meal together

It is up to you to put yourself in several situations to share moments of complicity as well as romantic moments. For example, you can organize a romantic dinner? Despite the distance, prepare something romantic by taking care of the details such as your dress, the decoration of your table...

Even if he or she won't really know in front of you, you will surely feel less lonely and have a good evening. In fact, video calls will quickly become your best friend!

  • Lovers' shopping activity

The last idea we can give you is to go online shopping as lovers. Go to an online store of your choice and explore the different products. You will be able to exchange your opinions on what you like or dislike and this can be a good trick to find gift ideas from elsewhere.

  • Sharing good times from a distance

How do you make a long-distance relationship last?
To make your long-distance relationship last, here's a list of things you need to do to make your relationship stronger and more lasting:

  • Stay connected as a couple

Talking regularly with your other half is the best way to minimize the lack of time away - try to talk as often as possible and tell them what's going on in your life so they feel important to you. This can be as simple as texting, calling, video calling or whatever you prefer.

  • Believe in yourself and your relationship

Never forget that trust is a pillar of your relationship. Although you may have many opportunities to worry, be jealous or have doubts, give your boyfriend or girlfriend a reason to believe in you. In return, believe in him/her and your relationship will run like clockwork.

  • Share moments as a couple despite the distance

Of course, when you are together you always know what to do to share moments together but it is more complicated when you are separated. But you can still do things together; use your imagination and you'll find something, whether it's sharing a show together, playing online games...

  • Plan your romantic reunion

During the period when you are separated, it is essential to plan your future reunion to know concretely who will join the other, when, etc. In addition, visualizing your reunion will help you to be more optimistic and happy, in addition to strengthening your complicity.

Tips couple distance

  • Be attentive to each other

To keep the flame of the beginning of your relationship despite the distance, offer small and simple gifts, say often sweet words or make surprises for example. Don't forget that an unexpected visit to see him or her is sure to please.

  • Capture and share your daily life together

Don't hesitate to capture the important moments of your daily life, whether by photos, videos or even audio messages, and send them to your loved one. It is a very good way to confirm and share in an indirect way what is happening in your life, despite the distance that separates you.


That's it! As you can see, being a long-distance couple may seem complicated at first, but there are actually many solutions to combat distance and strengthen your relationship in order to live a fulfilling long-distance relationship.

Now you're ready to embark on a long-distance relationship with no fear and know exactly how to make your relationship work best.

You can be just as happy in a long distance relationship as in a "normal" one, you just have to manage it well and everything will go well despite the lack of your boyfriend or girlfriend which can sometimes be felt.

In order to make up for the lack of your darling while waiting for your next reunion, why not share these matching phone covers so that he or she is always by your side? Discover all the phone covers by clicking below: